Monday, December 26, 2005

Legal outsourcing to drive KPO business

There has been much predicted for the Legal Outsourcing/ Offshoring business taking off. Good news. As we have seen and realize, this will not be an easy task and the companies which will eventually succeed will need to negotiate a comples minefield of challenges including dealing with
- Quality (quality, quaity and quality)
- A fragmented market
- A relatively closed market formed and sustained mainly on relationships
- An actual change in the work process

BANGALORE, DEC 25: After BPO, India is also set to become the hub for knowledge process outsourcing (KPO). With KPO growth projected to touch the $10-billion mark by 2010, legal process outsourcing (LPO) its key driver is leading the way by showing high growth potential.
As associate lawyers in the US carry a price tag ranging from $225 to $450 per hour, India is a natural fit and already five of the 20-odd Indian KPO companies have established themselves and are tapping on skilled legal professionals to handle the outsourced work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Quality necessarily means substance which reflect indepth study of subject discussed and presenting the same as much error free as possible. Mispelt words, mis-formation of sentences which could totally distort the essence of the statement should be avoided at any cost.