Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Reasons to outsource!

There are many reasons to outsource and among those listed in an article in The Orange County Register by Knight Ridder (No, no pun intended, that is his real name) I have highlighted ones I think are the most relevant to what we do.
"When to outsource:
A company cannot outsource every task. Here are some guidelines a company can use for deciding which work can be contracted to an outside firm.
The work is not your company's core competency; you don't want to spend energy on a task that is not basic to your company's existence.
You have a deadline and cannot do the work in-house on time.
Your company doesn't have enough money or resources to do the work in-house.
The extra work is temporary.
You want to save money or free up in-house resources.

You cannot find the right employee to hire to do certain work.
You don't have time or resources to train employees to do the work.

You want to establish long-term, strategic relationships with world-class service providers to gain competitive advantage.
Outsourcing the work spreads your risk.
You want to tap special expertise in a specific area.
Outsourcing can reduce spending on technology that will quickly be out of date.
An outside provider can do the work better than you can, and for less money

8 out of 13. Not too bad. We make the most of the generic list to outsouce too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The list sums up it all!! Great input.
